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Wenn Sie, wie für in der deutschen Sprachkultur üblich, ziemlich knapp antworten, könnte das auf jemanden aus Grossbritannien sehr unhöflich wirken. Hier lernen Sie, wie Sie auf Englisch besser kommunizieren. Bessere Konversation lernen Sie auf jeden Fall in unseren Englischkurse in Mainz oder online.

Short answers

When we answer a yes/no question, a lot of people in English speaking countries (especially England) might feel it is rude to answer only yes or no.

There are many other ways of answering a question – here are some examples. Don’t forget that in small talk we should also try and give more information so that the conversation can continue.

Might sound IMPOLITE: Do you like football? – No!

Would you like some more tea? – No, thanks.

Can you help me? – Sorry, but I’ve to make a phone call right now.

Do you like football? – Well, not so much. I prefer basketball.

Are you going to watch the final? – Absolutely! I’m meeting friends in a pub.

Are you going to watch the final? – Actually no. I’ve got another appointment that day/I’m not that interested.

Do you like Christine? – Yes, she’s a darling, isn’t she?

Do you like the suggestion? – Mmmmh, actually I am not sure if that is the best idea.

Do you like the suggestion? – Yeah, sounds great.


Beware of these questions – they are only asked to get agreement.

Lovely weather, isn’t it? – Yes, absolutely brilliant.

Quite cold today, isn’t it? – Yes, quite. But the weather forecast says it is going to get better tomorrow.
Lovely kids, aren’t they? – Yes, they are. They never fight/their parents can be really proud.

That was a good presentation, wasn’t it? – True. I was impressed by the speaker’s knowhow about x.

Other short replies:

I don’t like pizza! – Me neither / nor do I.
I love pizza! – So do I /me, too.
I don’t like football. – But I do.

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hhiier lernenbesser auf Englisch kommunizieren und besser Smalltalk auf Englisch machen